The City of Scottsdale, AZ Public Art Exhibitions is displaying a group of textile art pieces which call attention to the environmental crisis caused by textile waste. I am showing two of my pieces, ““What Day is Today” and “Living Life” as part of this program on display at the Scottsdale Public Library, in an exhibition called “Diversion: Recycled Textiles to Art.” Each of these pieces contain fabric from previously created garments.
“Living Life,” shown above, has been acquired by the City of Scottsdale as a part of their permanent Public Art Collection.

Recently acquired by the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport Percent for Art Collections Project and The City of Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture, my piece, “Yes, Why Not?,” has been added to the permanent portable collection.

he City of Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture and Arizona State University's Urban Climate Research Center partnered to produce the sunBLOCK public art projects. The projects, that were partially funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, were created as part of a campaign to promote awareness about heat and sun safety.

Lobby of new apartment complex, Boston, MA

Stanford University Art Spaces, Stanford, CA